Soal Latihan Usbn Smp B. Inggris K-13 Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap Terbaru
Ilmu yakni wawasan yang sudah disusun secara sistematis dan berlaku umum, sedangkan wawasan yakni pengalaman yang bersifat pribadi/kelompok dan belum disusun secara sistematis alasannya belum dicoba dan diuji.
Dalam konteks akademis atau profesional, cobaan (atau cobaan untuk pendek) yakni tes yang berniat untuk menyeleksi kesanggupan seorang mahasiswa atau kandidat dokter. Biasanya cobaan tes tertulis, meskipun beberapa mungkin gampang atau elemen praktis, dan sungguh bermacam-macam dalam struktur, isi dan kesusahan tergantung pada subjek, kalangan usia orang yang diuji dan profesi.
Seseorang yang melalui cobaan menemukan ijazah, suatu surat izin mengemudi atau profesional, tergantung pada tujuan pemeriksaan. Pemeriksaan kompetitif yakni cobaan di mana pelamar berkompetisi untuk sejumlah posisi, selaku musuh cuma mesti meraih tingkat tertentu untuk lulus.
Sebagaimana yang kita pahami setiap siswa yang berada di tingkat pendidikan formal niscaya akan mengahadapi yang namanya Ujian selaku bentuk tes terhadap para siswa untuk mengukur sejauh mana kesanggupan siswa tersebut dalam mengerti pelajaran yang sudah di sampaikan oleh para guru, sehingga nantinya akan di sanggup hasil selaku materi penilaian untuk memperbaiki kesanggupan siswa ketingkat yang lebih baik lagi.
Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional atau biasa disingkat USBN yakni metode penilaian persyaratan pendidikan dasar dan menengah secara nasional untuk meningkatakan persamaan kualitas tingkat pendidikan antar daerah yang dijalankan oleh Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan, Depdiknas di Indonesia menurut Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 20 tahun 2003 menyatakan bahwa dalam rangka pengendalian kualitas pendidikan secara nasional dijalankan penilaian selaku bentuk akuntabilitas penyelenggara pendidikan terhadap pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan.
Lebih lanjut dinyatakan bahwa penilaian dijalankan oleh forum yang sanggup bangun diatas kaki sendiri secara berkala, menyeluruh, transparan, dan sistematik untuk menganggap pencapaian persyaratan nasional pendidikan dan proses pemantauan penilaian tersebut mesti dijalankan secara berkesinambungan.
Proses pemantauan penilaian tersebut dijalankan secara terus menerus dan berkelanjutan pada jadinya akan sanggup merapikan kualitas pendidikan. Pembenahan kualitas pendidikan dimulai dengan penentuan standar.
Penentuan persyaratan yang terus bertambah diperlukan akan mendorong kenaikan kualitas pendidikan, yang dimaksud dengan penentuan persyaratan pendidikan yakni penentuan nilai batas (cut off score).
Seseorang dibilang sudah lulus/kompeten kalau sudah melalui nilai batas tersebut berupa nilai batas antara penerima didik yang sudah menguasai kompetensi tertentu dengan penerima didik yang belum menguasai kompetensi tertentu.
Bila itu terjadi pada cobaan nasional atau sekolah maka nilai batas berfungsi untuk memisahkan antara penerima didik yang lulus dan tidak lulus disebut batas kelulusan, kegiatan penentuan batas kelulusan disebut standard setting.
Manfaat pengaturan persyaratan cobaan selesai :
Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional atau biasa disingkat USBN yakni metode penilaian persyaratan pendidikan dasar dan menengah secara nasional untuk meningkatakan persamaan kualitas tingkat pendidikan antar daerah yang dijalankan oleh Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan, Depdiknas di Indonesia menurut Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 20 tahun 2003 menyatakan bahwa dalam rangka pengendalian kualitas pendidikan secara nasional dijalankan penilaian selaku bentuk akuntabilitas penyelenggara pendidikan terhadap pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan.
Lebih lanjut dinyatakan bahwa penilaian dijalankan oleh forum yang sanggup bangun diatas kaki sendiri secara berkala, menyeluruh, transparan, dan sistematik untuk menganggap pencapaian persyaratan nasional pendidikan dan proses pemantauan penilaian tersebut mesti dijalankan secara berkesinambungan.
Proses pemantauan penilaian tersebut dijalankan secara terus menerus dan berkelanjutan pada jadinya akan sanggup merapikan kualitas pendidikan. Pembenahan kualitas pendidikan dimulai dengan penentuan standar.
Penentuan persyaratan yang terus bertambah diperlukan akan mendorong kenaikan kualitas pendidikan, yang dimaksud dengan penentuan persyaratan pendidikan yakni penentuan nilai batas (cut off score).
Seseorang dibilang sudah lulus/kompeten kalau sudah melalui nilai batas tersebut berupa nilai batas antara penerima didik yang sudah menguasai kompetensi tertentu dengan penerima didik yang belum menguasai kompetensi tertentu.
Bila itu terjadi pada cobaan nasional atau sekolah maka nilai batas berfungsi untuk memisahkan antara penerima didik yang lulus dan tidak lulus disebut batas kelulusan, kegiatan penentuan batas kelulusan disebut standard setting.
Manfaat pengaturan persyaratan cobaan selesai :
- Adanya batas kelulusan setiap mata pelajaran sesuai dengan permintaan kompetensi minimum.
- Adanya persyaratan yang serupa untuk setiap mata pelajaran selaku persyaratan minimum pencapaian kompetensi.
Maka menurut Hal tersebut pada postingan kali ini, saya akan menshare perihal Soal latihan USBN Sekolah Menengah Pertama B. Inggris K-13 Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap Terbaru dengan jumlah 45 Soal. Dimana dalam soal latihan ini, yakni berupa soal opsi ganda dan pastinya sudah ditambahkan kunci jawabannya agar Sobat Prakata semua bisa lebih gampang Untuk menghafalnya dan juga bisa menyebabkan rujukan soal di saat akan melaksakan USBN tersebut nanti alasannya soal tersebut diambil menurut sumber dari buku mata pelajaran yang dipelajari di Sekolah pada umumnya.
Baca Juga :
- Soal latihan UN Sekolah Menengah Pertama Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap
- Soal latihan UN Sekolah Menengah Pertama Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap
- Soal latihan UN Sekolah Menengah Pertama Bahasa IPA Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap
- Soal latihan UN Sekolah Menengah Pertama Bahasa Matematika Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap
Mungkin itu saja sedikit ulasan perihal isi postingan yang mau saya diskusikan kali ini, pribadi saja kita menuju Soal latihan USBN Sekolah Menengah Pertama B. Inggris K-13 Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap Terbaru berikut dibawah ini.
Soal latihan USBN Sekolah Menengah Pertama B. Inggris K-13 Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap Terbaru
Adapun soal-soal yang mau kita diskusikan pada mata pelajaran B. Inggris K-13 Kelas 9 ini selaku materi rujukan di saat menghadapi Ujian Sekolah yakni selaku berikut :
A. Pilihan Ganda
The text is for questions 1-3.
1. Dear Mr. Jacky,
Sorry I couldn't meet you personally today, because you were in a meeting. I just wanted to let you know that I shall have to miss school tomorrow, because I'll join scout competition in Teluk Gelam. I will be ready for the speaking test next week.
I hope it doesn't matter for me to take leave tomorrow. Sincerely,
What is Putri‟s intention by writing the text?
A. to apologize to Jacky.
B. to ask Jacky to postpone the speaking test.
C. to inform the teacher that she will be absent.
D. to apologize that she missed the class tomorrow.
2. Based on the text we may conclude that the message can be found out………….
A. at home
B. at school
C. in the yard
D. in the mosque
3. “I hope it doesn't matter for me to take leave tomorrow.”
A. the scout competition
B. Putri‟s classmate
C. Mr. Jacky
D. Putri
The text for questions 4-6.
There will be a holiday camp next month. All scouts members must join this camp. The activity will take place at Serut camping site and last for three days.Register your name in order to determine the transportation. For further information, please contact Mr. Deny.
Blitar, June 1st, 2017 The Chief of Scout Organization
4. The announcement above is intended to……………………
A. announce the scout activity during the holiday
B. entertain the scout members
C. describe the scouts
D. retell the camp
5. Where can we find such an announcement?
A. in the office
B. at the mosque
C. in the laboratory
D. at the Scout base camp
6. “Register your name in order to determine the transportation.” The word “Register” can be replaced by ……………………
A. Add
B. Catch
C. Enroll
D. Mention
The text is for questions 7-9.
To: All students of Sekolah Menengah Pertama Nasional.
To celebrate the National Education Day, school board will hold some interesting competitions such as English Speech Contest, Debate competition and Class Wall Magazine Competition.
Time : May 2nd, 2017 at 8 am Venue : School hall
Contact person for Registration : Mr. Andi (the coordinator)
7. What is the announcement about?
A. School boards activities
B. English Speech Contest
C. National Education Day Celebration
D. Debate and magazine reading Competition
8. What will the school boards hold to celebrate the National Education Day?
A. flag ceremony
B. some competitions
C. national debate competition
D. wall magazine designer contest
9. “…, Students school board will hold some interesting competitions … “ The underlined word is closest in meaning to .......
A. selective
B. attractive
C. enjoyable
D. comfortable
The text is for questions 10-12.
Last month my friends and I went to Pangi beach. We decided to go to Pangi beach with our motorcycles, because it was more interesting tour if we rode motorcycle. It took around two hours from my home town, Blitar.
We arrived at the beach at 09.00. We enjoyed fishing and explored the coast of Pangi. The scenery was very beautiful. We were very pleased and happy to play at the beach. All of us enjoyed the moment there very much.
We went home in the afternoon. It was a wonderful experience that I and my friends ever had. We will never forget that moment. The white sand and the beautiful wave of the beach seemed to call us back there.
10. The text mainly tells us about…………………
A. the writer‟s experience of visiting a beach
B. the writer‟s activity at the beach
C. the description of a beach
D. the beach exploration
11. What did the writer do right after his arrival at Pangi Beach?
A. He took a rest.
B. He rode motorcycle.
C. He had breakfast.
D. He enjoyed fishing.
12. “We arrived at the beach at 09.00.” The word “arrived” has similar meaning to …
A. delayed
B. finish
C. got
D. did
13. Ingredients:
- 6 fresh avocado
- 40 grams sugar
- 50 ml water
- First of all, peel the fresh avocado. Then, remove the seeds.
- Put avocado, sugar, and water into blender.
- After that, blend all of the ingredients in the blender. Blend about 2 minutes.
A. what the avocado juice is
B. how to make avocado juice
C. how we get avocado juice is
D. what we need to get avocado juice
14. What should we do after peel the avocado?
A. Remove the seeds.
B. Add sugar and water.
C. Put them into blender.
D. Blend them about 2 minutes.
15. “After that, blend all of the ingredients in the blender.” The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. hook
B. mix
C. pull
D. fit
16. I have a close friend. Her name is Barbara. She is very beautiful, attractive and fashionable. She is always well-dressed in every moment. She gives much attention on her appearance.
Lately, she bought a new stylish bag made from sting ray fish skin. Her new sting ray fish bag is
luxurious, she looks amazing with the bag. When she is walking all her friends including me turn around and give special attention. The bag that she carries and her clothing style make her stunning. She really has got perfect appearance.
The intention of writing the text above is to…………
A. describe a friend's fashionable appearance.
B. tell about a fashionable model.
C. admire her friend's style.
D. show her jealousy.
17. Based on the text, Barbara has perfect and interesting appearance because .....
A. she likes to wear luxurious dress.
B. she always looks smart and beautiful.
C. she likes to buy a new dress and a new bag.
D. she always wears matched clothes and assesories.
18. The second paragraph mainly tells us about Barbara‟s ……………
A. new stylish bag.
B. amazing new bag.
C. appearance with her new stylish bag.
D. friends‟ attention on her performance.
19. “.. , she looks amazing with the bag."
The underlined word can be replaced by…………………
A. charming
B. confusing
C. fantastic
D. realistic
The text is for questions 20-21.
The Nazca Lines are a group of ancient images found in the Nazca Desert in southern Peru. This site is chosen as a UNESCO World Heritage Site that makes it to be wonderful tourist destination. Nazca Lines are located on high and arid plateau streches more than eighty kilometers between the town of Nazca and Palpa.
The mages of Nazca Lines are very uncommon because visitors can only see them from above by using plane or hot air ballon. There are hundreds of image from simple lines to complex pictures of hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, fish, sharks, orcas and lizards.
There are many theories discussing the purpose of these lines. According to scientists, its purpose is for religious matter. Local people has a belief that their Gods created them. Last but not least, ancient astronout theory beliefs that Nazca Lines were drawn by aliens millenia ago.
On reading the text above, the readers may likely be interested to…………..
A. visit the spot.
B. tell no one else.
C. write the main point.
D. keep the information.
21. “Based on the text above we may get the information that……………..
A. The Nazca Lines are dessert found in southern Peru.
B. Hundreds of simple to complex images are found.
C. The images of Nazca Lines can be easily seen.
D. Nazca Lines are located on low plateau
22. Steps :
- Confirm that the camera is not connected to the computer, and then set the camera's power switch to .
- Press the button to display the menu.
- Change the camera's Auto power off settings. Press the tab, and then select [Auto power off]. Press the button. Or Press the to select [Off] from the hidangan that appears, and then press the button again.
- Press the button to deactivate the display on the LCD monitor, and then turn the camera's power switch to .
- Plug the supplied USB cable into the USB port on your computer. The port's location differs between computers. Though a few of them are just slightly different. Please refer to the documentation provided with your computer for more information.
- Connect the other end of the USB cable to the < A/V OUT / DIGITAL > terminal on the camera.
- Set the camera's power switch to .
Click the [Start] button , then select [All Programs], [Canon Utilities], [EOS Utility], and then [EOS Utility]. If a window to select a kesibukan (application) appears, select [Canon EOS Utility/Downloads images from EOS camera], and then click [OK].
What should we do after we press the button to deactivate the display on the LCD monitor?
A. Plug the supplied USB cable into the USB port.
B. Connect the other end of the USB.
C. Click the [Start] button.
D. Turn the camera's power switch to.
23. Steps :
- Confirm that the camera is not connected to the computer, and then set the camera's power switch to .
- Press the button to display the menu.
- Change the camera's Auto power off settings. Press the tab, and then select [Auto power off]. Press the button. Or Press the to select [Off] from the hidangan that appears, and then press the button again.
- Press the button to deactivate the display on the LCD monitor, and then turn the camera's power switch to .
- Plug the supplied USB cable into the USB port on your computer. The port's location differs between computers. Though a few of them are just slightly different. Please refer to the documentation provided with your computer for more information.
- Connect the other end of the USB cable to the < A/V OUT / DIGITAL > terminal on the camera.
- Set the camera's power switch to .
Click the [Start] button , then select [All Programs], [Canon Utilities], [EOS Utility], and then [EOS Utility]. If a window to select a kesibukan (application) appears, select [Canon EOS Utility/Downloads images from EOS camera], and then click [OK].
“Press the button to display the hidangan ”.
This sentence mean that to display the menu, we push the button.
A. Have
B. Must
C. Should
D. May
The text is for questions 24-26. Steps :
- Confirm that the camera is not connected to the computer, and then set the camera's power switch to .
- Press the button to display the menu.
- Change the camera's Auto power off settings. Press the tab, and then select [Auto power off]. Press the button. Or Press the to select [Off] from the hidangan that appears, and then press the button again.
- Press the button to deactivate the display on the LCD monitor, and then turn the camera's power switch to.
- Plug the supplied USB cable into the USB port on your computer. The port's location differs between computers. Though a few of them are just slightly different. Please refer to the documentation provided with your computer for more information.
- Connect the other end of the USB cable to the < A/V OUT / DIGITAL > terminal on the camera.
- Set the camera's power switch to .
Click the [Start] button , then select [All Programs], [Canon Utilities], [EOS Utility], and then [EOS Utility]. If a window to select a kesibukan (application) appears, select [Canon EOS Utility/Downloads images from EOS camera], and then click [OK].
24. What is the intention of writing the text above? To guide the readers how to...
A. confirm that the camera and computer are ready for use safely
B. connect the camera to a computer using a USB cable
C. make additional hidangan at both computer and camera
D. change the camera into a computer
25. Based on the steps if the readers want to know more information, they should .........
A. Plug the supplied USB cable into the USB port on the computer
B. Press the tab, and then select (Auto power off)
C. Connect the other end of the USB cable to the <A/V OUT / DIGITAL> terminal on the camera
D. Refer to the documentation provided by the computer
26. “Though a few of them are just slightly different”. (number 5) The word “them” refers to ... .
A. computers
B. more information
C. The port‟s location
D. the supplied USB cable and the USB port
The text is for questions 27-30.
Honey bees are social insect that make honey. They live in hives or nests made of wax. Honey bees are the best-known kind of bee. Beekeepers raise honey bees for honey and for Pollinating farm crops.
Three types of honey-making bees live in each hive-queen, workers, and drones. Each type of bee has special job.
The queen is female that lays all the eggs. There is only one queen for each hive. Worker bees are female that do not lay eggs. Each nest has thousands of worker bees. Workers build the nest from wax they make in their bodies. The nest has many cells with six side. The cells are glued together to make a comb. The queen lays eggs in some cells. Worker fill other combs with honey.
Workers collect nectar and pollen, make honey, and make a food called royal jelly to feed the larvae. Workers guard the hive. They sting anything that threatens the hive. A worker bee can only sting leaves the stinger in its victim. Then the bee dies.
Drones are male bees. Drones cannot collect nectar and pollen. Drones don‟t have stings. The only job of a drone is to mate with a queen.
The queen decides which eggs will become queens, workers, or drones. Only eggs fertilize with sperm become females. A few fertilized eggs are put in special cells and fed lots of royal jelly. These eggs become the queens.
When a honey bee finds food, it tell other honey bees. The bees come back to the hive with nectar. It then performs a dance. The bee‟s movements tell the other bees to look for this nectar.
27. What does the text tell us about?
A. Honey bees
B. Bees in general
C. Insect that make honey
D. Queens, workers, and drones bees
28. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
A. workers collect nectar
B. workers bee‟s sting
C. workers bee‟s job
D. worker dies
29. According to the text, the only job of a drone is to mate with a queen, because......
A. Drone is a female bees
B. Drone doesn‟t have sting
C. Each nest has thousands of worker bees
D. Drone lays eggs in some cells
30. “They sting anything that threatens the hive”. The word “They” (Paragraph 5) refer to.....
A. Larvea
B. Worker
C. Hive
D. Workers
The text is for questions 31-32
One day a king stepped out of the gates of his palace and found a man standing there. The man had a plump chicken in his hands. On seeing the king, he bowed respectfully and said: "Maharaj, I gambled in your name and won this chicken. It belongs to you. Please accept it."
"Give it to my poultry keeper," said the king.
A few days later the king saw the man standing outside the gates again. This time he had a goat with him. "I won this goat in your name, Maharaj." he said after saluting the ruler. "It belongs to you."
The king was pleased.
"Give it to my goalkeeper," he said.
Some weeks later the man was at the palace gates once again. This time he had two men with him.
"I lost 500 varahas to each of these men while playing in your name, Maharaj." said the man. "I have no money to pay them."
The king realized he had made a mistake in accepting the man's gifts on the previous occasions. Now he could not refuse to help him. He paid off the two men and warned the gambler never to gamble in his name again.
31. The text tells us about.....
A. a tricky gambler
B. an innocent king
C. a man with his bad habit
D. a misfortune gambler
32. Why did the king help the gambler by pay off the two men? Because.......
A. The king didn't believe in the gamblers.
B. The gamblers brought gifts to the king.
C. The king had made a mistake in receiving the gifts.
D. The gamblers won the game in the name of Maharaj.
The text is for questions 33-34
I absolutely loved my 15th Birthday. I‟ve always wanted to fly in balloon and the trip given by my grandparents as a present is really fun. Desi, the pilot and Colin, the road crew were very professional but extremely friendly and welcoming.
Flying up, up and away on a hot air balloon ride is truly unforgettable experience like no other.
I enjoyed breath-taking views, landmarks and the wonder of nature from a new and unique perspective as they took me to the skies in one of their colourful hot air ballons. I felt exciting and enthusiastic, as I drifted gently across the UK‟s stunning landscapes at anything up to 5,000 feet. Raised smoothly and silently towards the clouds, the only noise the occasional burst of the burners, I was travel where the wind took me. It was a memory to last a lifetime on my personal hot air balloon experience, which I would tell people about again and again.
Once my flight was over, I sat and sipped a glass of hot chocolate after landing, and I found myself wanting to do it all over again.
33. The writer loved his 15th Birthday it was really fun.
A. if
B. so
C. although
D. because
34. What is the writer‟s purpose to write the text?
A. To tell unforgattable experience.
B. To describe an enjoyable birthday.
C. To admire lifetime memories.
D. To show enjoying breat-taking views.
The text is for questions 35-36
"Hi, ugly fish! You have an odd scary face. Catch me if you can! I bet you can't do it," said a weaver ant on a hanging green branch to an archer fish in the pond under it.
"Don't say that! You insult him. You can make him angry, "said a lady bug beside him.
"Are you scared? Lady, don't be coward! Don't worry! He can't live on the ground. He can't jump high enough to catch us," said weaver Ant.
Lady Bug looked at archerfish's eyes. The fish's eyes bulged in anger.
"He only frightens us. He can't catch us. Why are you so coward, Lady?" said weaver Ant.
On the hanging branch over the pond, weaver Ant danced and moved his butt to mock archer fish in the pond.
"Ant, you are supposed to respect others," Lady Bug warned him. Weaver Ant ignored her words and kept playing his mocking dance. "Ant, watch out!"
Like a water pistol, Archer Fish shot water at Weaver Ant on the hanging branch. Weaver Ant fell into the pond.
"Help! Help!" said Weaver Ant, swimming as fast as he could to the land.
"Don't underestimate other. Sometimes, something is more than what you can see. Do you know why people call me archer fish? Because like an archer, I can shoot water at my target," said Archer Fish.
Weaver Ant was not a good swimmer and he was still far from the land. In a flash movement, archer fish's mouth caught Weaver Ant.
35. What happened when the Archer Fish shot the water on the weaver Ant?
A. Weaver Ant danced and moved his butt
B. Archer Fish ignored Lady Bug‟s words
C. Weaver Ant fell into the pond
D. Archer fish swam as fast as he could to the land.
36. What does the word “he” in this sentence refer to?
A. Archer Fish
B. Weaver Ant
C. Lady Bug
D. People
The text is for questions 37-40.
Rabbits live in groups. A female rabbit is called a doe while a male rabbit is called a buck, and a young rabbit is called a kit (or kitten). Rabbits have long ears which can be as long as 10 cm (4 in). More than half of the world‟s rabbits live in North America. Rabbits have a lifespan of around 10 years. Rabbits are herbivores. Pet rabbits that live inside are often referred to as „house rabbits‟.Rabbits reproduce very quickly. This can be permasalahan for people living in agricultural areas where rabbits are seen as pests. Rabbits are born with their eyes closed and without fur.
37. What does the text tell about?
A. How the rabbits reproduce.
B. Where the rabbits live.
C. What the rabbits are.
D. Definition of rabbits.
38. Rabbits usually live …………
A. helplessly
B. separately
C. individually
D. communally
39. Rabbits become enemy for farmers because ….
A. they reproduce very quickly
B. they are born without fur
C. they are plant eaters
D. they live in groups
40. “…where rabbits are seen as pests” (par 2) The underlined word is closest in meaning to….
A. become
B. produced
C. shown
D. known
41. Read the text and answer the questions below!
Rabbits live in groups. A female rabbit is called a doe while a male rabbit is called a buck, and a young rabbit is called a kit (or kitten). Rabbits have long ears which can be as long as 10 cm (4 in). More than half of the world‟s rabbits live in North America. Rabbits have a lifespan of around 10 years. Rabbits are herbivores. Pet rabbits that live inside are often referred to as „house rabbits‟.
Rabbits reproduce very quickly. This can be permasalahan for people living in agricultural areas where rabbits are seen as pests. Rabbits are born with their eyes closed and without fur.
Why do people think that rabbits are pests?
Jawab : Because rabbts reproduce very quickly.
42. Read the text and answer the questions below!
A. The text above is written to ………………………….
B. What will likely the readers do after reading the text above!
Jawab :
A. promote/ advertise the product/HP
B. they will buy the product.
43. Read the text and answer the questions below!
Someone that I admire most is my mother. She is my idol. In my opinion, my mother is not only beautiful but also kind. In addition, she is a good housewife.
Her beauty comes from her good looking physical appearance. She is average in height. Her straight, black hair is shiny. Furthermore, the color of her eyes is like honey. And her light brown skin is still very supple. She looks attractive in whatever clothes she wears.
Besides her attractive appearance, my mother is very kind. She likes to help people. For example, whenever there are sick people in our neighborhood, she will give them a visit. She often gives food and drink to the unfortunate people. She pays the school fee of some orphans in the surroundings. And something that impresses me more is she doesn‟t like other people to know whenever she does good deed.
In addition, my mother is a good housewife. She takes care of her family well. For instance, she prepares all the healthy food for the whole family.. She makes sure that the whole family‟s need is fulfilled. She is great mother and I love her very much.
A. What does the second paragraph tell us about?
B. Tell us the physical description of the writer‟s mother in 4 sentences!
Jawab :
A. the writer‟s mother is very kind
B. She has good looking physical appearance.
- She is average in height.
- her hair is black and shny.
- the color of her eyes are like hone
44. The greedy Dog
One day, a dog stole a big piece of meat and he was very proud of it. Then, he ran off until he reached the bank of the river. He looked down into the river water carefully and he saw another dog with a piece of meat in its mouth. Funnily enough, the dog did not realize that it was his own reflection in the water. When he was full, he threw himself on the other god to steal his meat as well.
Unfortunately, when he was in the water, he had to let go the remains of the meat to avoid drowning, and so was left with nothing.
A. What is the goal of the text above?
B. What will the readers do after reading the text?
C. What moral value can you take from the story?
Jawab :
A : The goal of the text ia to educate/to emuse/to give moral value the reader.
B : - They won‟t be greedy
- They know that greedy is not good behave
C : Greedy is not good behavior
45. How to Download Music from Youtube
- Find the artist Whose song you want to download. In the address kafe at your browser, search the video‟s address.
- Pop along to www.clip consorter cc and use Ctrl-V to paste the clip‟s address into the Media URL. To Download box.
- Check on the kind of file you want to create. MP3 offer the widest compatibillity.
- Click on the continue and clip converter will check the URL and detect the video clip. Give the song a file name and then click on start.
- Clip converter will now do thing and present you with a download link. Simple click on that, find the song in your download folder and open it to hear the song.
A. Why should we click on the continue and clip converter?
B. What should you do before you give the song a file name?
Jawab :
A. Because they will check the URL and detect the video clip.
B. Click on the continue and clip converter will check the URL and detect the video clip
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